4 Professional Beauty Tips - Part 1

At Enhanced Beauty Ink in Middletown, we have more than a decade of experience in the beauty and wellness industry. During that time, we’ve picked up a few beauty tips and tricks along the way. That’s why in today’s blog, we go over a few beauty tips covering topics like permanent makeup, eyeliner, eyebrows, and more!

At Enhanced Beauty Ink in Middletown, we have more than a decade of experience in the beauty and wellness industry. During that time, we’ve picked up a few beauty tips and tricks along the way. That’s why in today’s blog, we go over a few beauty tips covering topics like permanent makeup, eyeliner, eyebrows, and more!

If you’re in the Middletown area, stop by Enhanced Beauty Ink! We’re happy to answer questions, make beauty recommendations, schedule an appointment for permanent makeup application, and more!

1) Face Mask

These tips are in no particular order, but definitely don’t underestimate the power of a good facemask. There are dozens of different kinds of face masks out there all trying to help in their own unique way. For fast-acting and potent beauty results, try a quick-restoring mask or a reanimation mask to help tighten, cleanse, and rejuvenate your skin. Masks don’t take much time at all. If you’ve got 15 minutes for some quick beauty work, use that time to squeeze in a quick face mask!

Pro tip: You can use multiple masks to target multiple imperfections at the same time.

2) Eyeliner Flick

There are tons of different styles and techniques for applying eyeliner. The right eyeliner can help complete your look. If you are looking for something new to try and mix things up, flick your eyeliner down and around the eye. Most people have their eyeliner take a sharp upward turn at the ends of the eye for a cat-eye look. But turning it downward instead is a popular style in Korea that helps to create a wider, more rounded look for your eyes. All you have to do is pull your eyeliner closer to your cheekbones and bang! — you’ve got a whole new look.

Tired of messing with eyeliner each and every morning? Try a more permanent makeup solution like permanent eyeliner at Enhanced Beauty Ink in Middletown! Instead of spending tons of time every morning perfecting your look, wake up looking flawless.

3) Don’t Skimp On the Brows

Eyebrows are an essential part of your look that often goes overlooked. To look and feel your best, full, well-shaped eyebrows are a must. It may sound trivial and minor, but you’ll be amazed at the difference full and perfectly shaped eyebrows make. Most people use an eyebrow pencil to achieve this look — which is perfectly fine, just a lot of work. At Enhanced Beauty Ink in Middletown, we’d much prefer microblading. With more permanent makeup like microblading, you don’t have to go through the chore of filling in your eyebrows each and every morning. Instead, you get to wake up with flawless eyebrows — no assembly required. One tip if you do choose to go the microblading route, be sure to get occasional touch-ups. While microbladed eyebrows are low maintenance, they still need a little love from time to time.

Pro Tip: Want to learn more about microblading and try it for yourself? Reach out to our permanent makeup team at Enhanced Beauty Ink in Middletown!

4) Lipstick as Blush or Eyeshadow

This one may sound a little odd but bear with us. We’re not saying smear lipstick on your face willy-nilly. But applying colored lipstick to your upper eyelids can create a bold, smokey-eyed, and stunning look. The key is to find the right color to perfectly complement your look. Lipstick can also act as an affordable, cream blush option. Give it a try next time you’re feeling adventurous, it may be your new favorite look!

At Enhanced Beauty Ink in Middletown, we specialize in permanent makeup like microblading, permanent eyeliner, and more. Contact us to learn more and to schedule your permanent makeup appointment. Don’t spend time tediously applying your makeup day in and day out; join the “I Woke Up Like This” club. Also, keep an eye out for part two of our beauty tips blog!


What Is Microblading?